Esposito Bros has provided demo services for over 20 years. During these years, we’ve had the opportunity to work on some amazing projects across the GTA. Our long history means all your jobs will meet your exact specifications when being completed.

Esposito Bros provides the very best in Commercial & Residential demolition with over two decades of experience.
Our equipment is prepared to complete your toughest demo and excavation projects with safety as our top priority.
Have your existing building demolition completed on time with the care and expertise of our Industry leading demolition contractors. From single-family homes to large commercial facilities, we handle any size project with precision and care. Request our services today and experience the best in demolition.
scrap & salvage
Esposito Bros aims to recycle every piece of debris generated from our projects to save clients money and reduce unnecessary landfill use. With proper consideration, everything from lumber to metals and masonry can be reused or recycled.
How May we Help You?
Don’t know where to start? Contact us today and we can offer our expertise on scheduling utility shutoff and pulling permitting to begin your project and ensure it’s completed ahead of time and on budget.

Municipal Structures
Esposito Bros specializes in road construction and with that comes the requirement to demolish various structures such as bridges and culverts. More importantly we do this in an enviromental and safe way.

Commercial Structures
We have machines capable of handling any size commercial project. Our modern company fleet can carefully complete your building demolition with no damage to the surrounding area. Our operators are skilled at maneuvering and working in the most difficult of conditions for projects.

Residential Structures
House demolitions can be completed effortlessly and quickly with our equipment. We carry out each demolition project with precision and a commitment to our customers that ensures we meet their needs.