Underground utilities are some of the most important aspects of any construction project, no matter the size. At Esposito Bros, we understand it’s imperative that any underground utility that a crew works on as part of a larger project will function correctly and will stay structurally sound for decades to come. This requires accuracy, precision, know-how, and the latest in state-of-the-art technology.
water, sewer, storm-drain
Esposito Bros works with private, public and governmental agencies to handle issues related to water in the GTA and throughout Southern Ontario. If you have a waterworks project for a local, provincial or federal project our skilled utility teams can be the source you need. If you are having retention problems causing a dramatic loss of public or private lands our engineers can work with you to manage the flow and effect on your communities.
We have skilled teams that can assist in repairing damages to private or public infrastructure caused by water-related issues; such as; main breaks, storm damage, water retention and water management. These damages can be remedied to the land, highway and commercial water services.
Esposito Bros has established a successful approach and organization that will accomplish set objectives dedicated to meeting or exceeding your expectations. Our success comes from years of experience, and our attitude to never be satisfied.

We have an extensive fleet of equipment that allows us to install pipes from 1 inch to 40 inches in diameter in varying conditions. This equipment fleet allows us to install mains and trunks for water and sewer to deep depths and over long distances without concern of stretching our resources. We are capable within our own operation to conduct open-cut excavations, chain trenching and directional drilling on varying sizes and lengths. From previous projects, we have experience in the handling and installation of PVC, HDPE, Ductile Iron and Steel pipe.